Travis Parks

Results 37 comments of Travis Parks

Yeah, I similarly have no magical way to tell if there'd be unexpected threading issues with this code. All I can say for certain is that there's no longer any...

1. Brings up a couple good points. I believe that the `Mapper` class is very short-lived and `GetReader` or `GetWriter` gets called and then the results gets passed to a...

If there isn't a lot of text in a branch, duplicate the text in an #elseif. Else, create a IsMale property and use that. That's the best you can do...

I am a bit curious. In what situation are you using `DynamicObject`? I can see someone using an `ExpandoObject`, but I don't know in what context an actual instance of...

@michje Just so you know, this project got a lot more attention than I ever thought it would. Originally, it was just meant to be a simple overload of `String.Format`...

Just an idea, but the #each tag exposes an #index tag within its scope. If you want to refer to it in an #if, you can say `{{#if @index}}`.

Just going out on a limb. Debug your code and see what your data looks like right before calling my code.

Which version of the code are you using? In a recent commit I added a lock to eliminate race conditions caused by multiple threads: Let me know if you...

I will need a more concrete example. If you are building JSON, I am guessing your code needs to perform the escaping prior to calling `Render`. Mustache# will spit out...

Check out the `PlaceholderFound` event on the `FormatCompiler`. You can use it to build a list of all keys that appear in the template. That's different from all the tags...