Travis Parks

Results 37 comments of Travis Parks

This is a great idea. Today, I think I accept extra data being on the end of delimited and fixed width files, but I just end up throwing it away....

It might still throw, but I'm not sure. It's worth taking a look. On Wed, Jul 31, 2019, 1:04 PM Joel Potter wrote: > I didn't know you accepted trailing...

I had concerns when I added that code to capture an entire line. I had to convince myself it wouldn't be a problem because that memory gets cleared between each...

I figured it out. Check out 5.0.2 once it becomes available from NuGet. Let me know if you encounter any issues. Thanks for the feedback and diagnostic information.

Closing due to inactivity.

@silkfire I am in the middle of incorporating a lot of improvements. Some of what I am working on can be seen here:'d-want-to-see-in-version-5.0 It's possible I accidentally pushed to...

I will keep your PR open. I will probably just steal what I need and then close it. I agree that a lot of what is in that list is...

The order that you call `Property` is _remembered_ by the mapper. So if you can rearrange the order that you call `Property` it should work as expected. For example, you...

One option would be to lookup the column configurations by their column number. You could determine the max column number and then count from 1 to max, checking if the...

When I was working on this for 4.8, at first tried to do some sort of equals/hashing to detect if something changed to the type mapper that'd require me to...