Jehiah Czebotar

Results 67 comments of Jehiah Czebotar

@ploxiln I also use these as a sort of canary, but I think there is a need for a better way to first-class healthcheck statsdaemon to know it's sending metrics....

Thanks @JensRantil for this contributions. Can you share some benchmark deltas for this changeset?

@craftbyte this sounds useful. Are you interested in contributing support for this?

Hi. as you mentioned, asyncmongo does not currently support replica sets, but it would be a great feature to add. If you are able, please fork the project on github...

Hi @mcilrain I know this is an old issue, but can you clarify how to reproduce the issues w/ bson instead of pymongo you are referring to?

Hi @parabolic Glad to hear it's working well for you. The `EOF` error implies it's getting that response from your upstream (jenkins). Do you have any logging on that side...

@kishore1431 can you share what your relevant config options are? Also, are you seeing any errors in the oauth2_proxy logs?

@kishore1431 are you sure you are not just observing the timeout passed the 9h cookie TTL? (FWIW, i run with expiration set to `504h` and refresh set to `3h`.

@antgel If you can confirm this is still a problem against the most recent release (v2.1) or HEAD and provide steps to reproduce that would be helpful.