Jehiah Czebotar

Results 69 comments of Jehiah Czebotar

To make sure i follow, you are suggesting that past this limit nsqd throws away messages from the oldest file, not that it refuses new PUB's right?

Interesting, i can think of some desire to bound disk size, but i would normally equate that to wanting backpressure. It feels like throwing away messages on disk would be...

@mreiferson Sleeping on this issue has made me think about the value of a cleaner separation between ephemeral (not persisting topic/channel structure beyond connections) and max-message depths where overflows are...

RFR @mreiferson @ploxiln - this is ready for a review pass. I'm pretty happy with how this came out, but still have another pass to make to expand some test...

@ploxiln that functionality would be similar but i'm not sure it would be easier to implement because you then need a new method of propagating FIN's back up where this...

@mreiferson PTAL - i think this is the main outstanding discussion to resolve -

> (Looks like this needs a rebase) I was debating the rebase mid-review to pickup upstream go-svc changes 🤷 > As @ploxiln mentioned, there are a lot of global state...

I think this is ready for a first round of review @mreiferson @ploxiln (along w/ it's pair nsqio/go-nsq#312 Some items to decide on - * Should `-mem-queue-size=0` disable zone local...

I should comment that i don't yet have a perfectly clear idea of the implementation for this; it will be a chore! > A little confused by this — my...