Jeffrey Dungen
Jeffrey Dungen
Thanks for the PR @luisfelrib. We've never encountered a device that sends multiple manufacturer specific data in a single packet, would be curious to know more about that device so...
Glad that pi-suite proved helpful for the kiosk mode @taquitosensei. You can also check out the [Pi Kiosk tutorial]( we put together. Unfortunately, video bug you are experiencing is well...
Hi @Lann4daze, using the HCI Bluetooth interface typically requires running as root, else you will experience permission errors as you observe in the console log you provided. If you don't...
Can you specify on which Pi you are running? The onboard BLE (using HCI) has been confirmed to work on the Pi 3B and 3B+.
Thanks for the detail @schwabochino. From the error message, it could be that the BLE hardware is in use and therefore not allowing the [bluetooth-hci-socket]( to start the scan. You...
All the details about the SD card can be found on our [Make a Pi Hub tutorial]( The default login on the card is pi:berryinsecure
Even more curious now what's different on your original setup that makes it not work... What version of NodeJS did you have installed? node --version The SD image uses Raspbian...