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A frequently updated, hand-picked and curated list of delightful and awesome open-source Unity Packages.
A frequently updated, hand-picked and curated list of delightful and awesome open-source Unity Packages.
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Made with ♥ by Jeffrey Lanters!
Awesome Unity Packages
Inspired on many other Awesome lists. Many of these awesome packages can be found on the awesome platform OpenUPM. Please take a quick gander at the contribution guidelines first. Thanks to all contributors, you're awesome! If you've noticed a package on the list that is no longer maintained or is not a good fit, please submit a pull request to improve to keep things awesome. Thank you!
Animation and Tweening
Packages for implementing all sorts of animations from character to userinterface.
- Unity Tweens is an extremely light weight, extendable and customisable tweening engine made for strictly typed script-based animations for user-interfaces and world-space objects optimised for all platforms.
- Bezier Solution provides a spline solution for Unity 3D with some utility functions. Splines can be created and edited visually in the editor, or by code during runtime.
- Reanimator is a custom animator for Unity created to simplify the development of Astortion.
- Fancy Scroll View is comes with a generic ScrollView component that allows you to implement highly flexible animations. It also supports infinite scrolling.
- Animation Sequencer provides a way to create complex animations of sequence of events by a friendly user interface.
Augmented and Virtual Reality
Packages for implementing desktop and mobile augmented and virtual reality solutions.
- MeshUtility provides utilities allowing you to import and export files of the VRM format.
- XR Line Renderer is an XR-Focused line renderer that mimics rendering with 3d capsules while only using two quads worth of geometry.
- HandPosing uses Oculus Quest hand-tracking to control Oculus default rigged hands and use it to generate grab poses in an instant.
- XRTK Core is the Mixed Reality Toolkit's primary focus is to make it extremely easy to get started creating Mixed Reality applications and to accelerate deployment to multiple platforms from the same Unity project.
- ARKit Streamer is a remote debugging tool for AR Founndation with ARKit4 featrues. This is temporary solution until the Unity team has completed the AR remote functionality - See Unity forum for more information.
Audio and Sound Systems
Packages for handeling everything sound and audio related.
- UniVoice is a voice chat/VoIP solution for Unity. It comes with ready-to-use P2P (peer to peer) conenctivity which allows devices to communicate nearly free of cost.
- UniMic provides a convenience wrapper for Unity's Microphone class.
- USFXR lets you quickly generate placeholder or permanent sound effects right inside the Unity editor.
Asset and Resource Management
Packages for managing and downloading Unity Assets and Resources.
- Asset Usage Detector is an editor extension helps you figure out at which places an asset or GameObject is used, i.e. lists the objects that refer to the asset. It is possible to search for references in the Project and in the scenes of your project.
- Async Image Loader aims to offload image loading, image decoding and mipmap generation to other threads. It creates smoother gameplay and reduces lag spike on the Unity main thread when loading large images.
- Addressables Services provides a set of classes to convert Unity Addressables callbacks/coroutine workflow to async/await with UniTask.
- GLTFast enables loading glTF (GL Transmission Format) asset files in Unity while focussing on speed, memory efficiency and a small build footprint.
Camera and Cinematic
Packages for taking control over the camera and create cinematics.
- Perception Package provides a toolkit for generating large-scale datasets for computer vision training and validation which is focused on a handful of camera-based use cases.
- Space Navigator lets you fly around your scene and allows you to move items around. It can also be used at runtime via scripting.
- UniCAVE is a solution for running Unity within immersive projection VR display systems by providing a Plugin for Non-Head Mounted Virtual Reality Display Systems.
- HDRP UI Camera Stacking package allows you to stack multiple camera rendering UI only at a fraction of the cost of a standard camera.
- Vision makes Culling Groups available for everyone by offers a way to integrate your own systems into Unity’s culling and LOD pipeline.
Canvas and Graphical User Interfaces
Packages for create and working with the canvas and building graphical user interfaces.
- Canvas Visualizer provides an editor util that helps you visualise all of your rectangle transforms within your canvas for easier navigation and building while working on your user interface.
- UI Effect let's decorate your UI with effects by letting you control parameters as you like from the script as well as inspector, Animation Clip is supported as a matter of course.
- UI Particle provides a component to render particle effect for uGUI in Unity. The particle rendering is maskable and sortable, without Camera, RenderTexture or Canvas.
- XCharts provides a powerful, easy-to-use, configurable charting and data visualization library for Unity's user interface system.
- Fancy Scroll View is comes with a generic ScrollView component that allows you to implement highly flexible animations. It also supports infinite scrolling.
- Soft Masks provides a smooth masking component for Unity UI elements allowing you to beautifully represent the rounded edges of your UI.
- Notch Solution contains a set of components and tools to solve notched/cutout phones layout problems for Unity.
Code and Component Generation
Packages which help with generating code and components.
- Scriptable Object Collection is a library to help improve the usability of Unity3D Scriptable Objects by grouping then into a collection and exposing then by code or nice inspectors!
- Genesis is architected as a .Net Core console application that leverages Roslyn code analysis to inspect a target C# codebase and generate code files where developers can build custom code generators via an extensible plugin framework.
- Generic Objects allows to create and use generic Scriptable Objects and Mono Behaviours in Unity.
- Scriptable Object Variant adds a field to any Scriptable Object tagged with the SOVariant attribute that lets you select an original Scriptable Object and override selected fields in the child object.
- Entity Component System provides a better approach to game design that allows you to concentrate on the actual problems you are solving: the data and behavior that make up your game. By moving from object-oriented to data-oriented design it will be easier for you to reuse the code and easier for others to understand and work on it.