Jeffrey Kog

Results 17 comments of Jeffrey Kog That is what was required to get it working. The behavior of this cell type seems to be a mix between `StringInstanceHandler` (as it skips 1 byte before reading)...

This would be unavoidable. Every part has to be rendered one by one. If there are a lot of parts, that could take some time. The same happens with vanilla...

Thanks for your response. Enabling the 3GPP AT commands doesn't seem to help, so i think i'm out of luck with a locked-down modem firmware.

> Thanks! This is a bug in the integration, I will fix this soon. > > If you want to have it fixed in the mean-time, you can remove the...

You need to provide more information. Any errors in the log? Please send your fml log. Multiplayer/singleplayer? Which version?

Maybe it would be smart to add more messages to this list. I'll send a PR for that somewhere today or tomorrow

@godgodgodgo looking at the crash report: `Memory: 252339312 bytes (240 MB) / 878309376 bytes (837 MB) up to 1037959168 bytes (989 MB)` Only 25% of the allocated memory is actually...