How can I call this function ? Please let me know Please !! Thank you . private void OnFaceClassificationsFromBlendShapesOutput(object stream, OutputEventArgs eventArgs) { Debug.Log($"Blendshapes count {eventArgs.value?.Classification?.Count}"); if (eventArgs.value?.Classification != null)...
> @rudrjain , I hope it helps: > > ``` > private void OnFaceClassificationsFromBlendShapesOutput(object stream, OutputEventArgs eventArgs) > { > Debug.Log($"Blendshapes count {eventArgs.value?.Classification?.Count}"); > if (eventArgs.value?.Classification != null) > {...
Yes , Now I'm using . Which part should I refer to to get the value of blendShape? Is blendShape applied here? I mean can I using blendShape...
I downLoaded below package but , cannot found about blendShape code . Is this not included blendShape function ? Please let me know how can I use blendShape Value ....
Thank you about your reply . If you BlendShape Sample Scene includes in Package it will best for me . Thank you again .