Jeffrey Godwin
Jeffrey Godwin
Hi Alonge, Thanks for this wonderful tool. We used ragtag correction for scaffolding our draft genome (plant) with a published genome of the same species, albeit from a different population....
Hey guys, So I'm fairly new to this. I have a S. cerevisiae hic file generated through the the HiCUP pipeline. However, I'm not able to view this particular file...
Dear team, I would like to clarify if the --renz parameter in tadbit map supports the restriction site for the ARIMA kit ( - ^GATC,G^ANTC. If so, what is the...
Hello, I have a question regarding the filtering of low count bins. The nextflow (v2.1.0) results produces balanced cooler files. Am I correct to assume this is from the "cooler...
Hi team, I have set up methystar on my system. Thanks for the simple and seamless process. While running the pipeline, there's an issue in the Bismark mapping step. The...