
Results 19 comments of jeff

I've had the same issue. As soon as you switch to another buffer in a window containing Luapad it get's wiped. The problem is this line ```lua -- nvim-luapad/lua/luapad.lua :...

Btw: at least I can switch (hide) buffers even if they are modified.... And what's the issue with saving a pad?

I see.... hitting `:w` and switching the buffer is just a reflex for me and wooops is the pad gone..... at the same time I really like to hide the...

thx. Btw: just figured out, setting `buftype` to `nowrite` prevents a buffer from being saved... (or `readonly = true`)

I created the example I was looking for and couldn't find on my own now: It's supposed to be kind of a "getting started" example for pynvim. I would...

You could also create a repository (or even pypi package) that depends on pipe and which includes a collection of "custom pipes". This would leave the core package (pipe) as...

Did you noticed the options `split_filename` and `split_filename_path_width`? ```lua split_filename = true -- Split filename into separate components for name and path. Default false split_filename_path_width = 20 -- If split_filename...

checkout the expJABS branch: added your requested feature in that branch (be aware, it might behave slightly different due to different default values). To enable the feature set `config.highlight.filename`...

Just added that feature to my refactored branch: Exactly how you described it. Hit 'g' and it'll take you to a(!) window that has the file open (I assume...

I did some minor improvements and I think that's now what you want. By default the `switchTo` command (`goto` is a lua keyword...) is mapped to ``. If it can't...