Justin Chadwell

Results 161 comments of Justin Chadwell

> Will switch to use the default context. Seems like the right behavior now! :tada:

I think that for a scenario of a separate debugging stage or a scenario like that, it makes sense to split them out and no new syntax is needed. I...

> This looks useful, but wondering if we want to limit it to just targets; variables could be important as well (?) Perhaps a command that (pretty)prints information about the...

I assume you mean like [here](https://gist.github.com/ciaranmcnulty/ad664329a303ed85d73d4f48735db884#file-bake-log-L251)? ``` #78 [debian php-configured 8/19] RUN php -m | grep ast #78 CACHED #79 [php-configured 7/19] COPY --link

This behavior seems to be explicitly tested for in [bake_test.go](https://github.com/docker/buildx/blob/master/bake/bake_test.go#L1049-L1089) @crazy-max do you know why the targets aren't recursively resolved?

Sorry for the delay :tada: So I discussed with @crazy-max briefly internally, and the current behavior of the group key not appearing in the output JSON is intended. As I...

Have updated with the new Evaluate API introduced in https://github.com/moby/buildkit/pull/3137. Still not sure about the flag name, but the functionality should be correct now (have tested with buildkit before+after the...

LGTM. Personally, not sure about defaulting to `always`, I quite like the default lazy behavior with `restart-policy=no`, since I can sometimes have a lot of builders, which might not all...

This issue occurs because of how BuildKit builds Dockerfiles. The `Dockerfile2LLB` function takes a `Dockerfile` as input, and returns an image config, and LLB instructions for how to build the...

Looks like the error message comes from containerd: https://github.com/docker/buildx/blob/master/vendor/github.com/containerd/containerd/services/content/contentserver/contentserver.go#L271, but we seem to discard the error message, not quite sure why. I assume you don't have a reproducible `Dockerfile` or...