Jecelyn Yeen
Jecelyn Yeen
Details: b/228176166 Deadline: June 30 Notes: Do not merge the PR when ready, tag @jecfish to merge in time with video publish Also refresh relevant docs, and include the video
Details: b/228176071 Deadline: July 14 Notes: Do not merge the PR when ready, tag @jecfish to merge in time with video publish Also refresh relevant docs, and include the video
Details: b/216760827 Deadline: Aug 18 Notes: Do not merge the PR when ready, tag @jecfish to merge in time with video publish Also refresh relevant docs, and include the video
Post: Translated by: August 19 Translator: @alvarocamillont Reviewers: @khaosdoctor
Post: Translated by: August 19 Translator: @technohippy Reviewers: @yoshiko-pg, @lacolaco, @yoichiro
Post: Translated by: July 25 Translator: @techhtml Reviewers: @cwdoh @TORU0239
Post: Translated by: August 19 Translator: @aquaMAX Reviewers: @liuliangsir, @louisyoong, @xyugroup, @hanselfmu
Post: Translated by: August 19 Translator: @solarrust Reviewers: @webmaxru, @kateryna-prokopenko
Post: Translated by: August 19 Translator: @midudev Reviewers: @and-oli @Caballerog
Post: Translated by: August 19 Translator: @TORU0239 Reviewers: @cwdoh @techhtml