I have this code to read attribute and if I remember me well it was due to this error (routing=false) import socket import time import cpppo from cpppo.server.enip import client...
Hello, I would say yes as all of this are explicit EIP communication What you mention if I m not wrong are application layer to finally access EIP objects/attributes/instances Jerome
Hello, I m very interested on implicit exchange, how to get access of un-official branch ? Thanks Best regards Jerome
Hello, Well, my understanding from pjkundert is that it's already in this cpppo release but not supported. I went through cpppo/server/enip/ but it's unclear where the implicit class is located,...
Hello Rajatmehta, As descrbed on my post, I start server from command line and this one is written in my post as well as config. I do not chnage anything...