I am getting SimpleAmqpClient to work with vcpkg (based on #291) and I have it building using standard options _but_ we use a custom triplet (static build, dynamic linking to... says I should consult the console app for examples how to do authentication, but the `keys` option is very light on any detail what I should be passing and...
Ive been using this on the kraken exchange API fine but when I tested on Binance, I got an exception that was so giant, I couldn't even find the top...
We already implement this REST API through `OnGetCompletedOrderDetailsAsync`. Kraken also provide a WebSocket equivalent that notifies you of your own trades: This is _not_ implemented. The raw code...
I'm writing code to analyse different markets and it needs to know which are fiat currencies (USD, GBP,etc). Ideally it would work across any exchange implementation without external knowledge but...
I know people have built libhlsl2glsl.a for iOS but it doesn't seem to be supported in supplied projects, or through CMake script. I've hacked OSX projects for iOS before but...
Is it documented anywhere what .gitattributes are relevant for Git LFS, in case I was to manually edit the file for instance? If I run `git lfs track "*.png"` I...
I am curious the best practice to keep hold of a Counter/Gauge/etc after calling `BuildCounter()` ``` auto& packet_counter = BuildCounter() .Name("observed_packets_total") .Help("Number of observed packets") .Register(*registry); // add and remember...
I am instrumenting dozens of modules which run on our app-server as part of our large system. Each one I add Prometheus-CPP to (via vcpkg and including the header) increases...
Running the sample code in a MSVC++ console app, I note a lot of console output (at least in debug build). One thing I noted when I first poll the...