Julien Dutant
Julien Dutant
Convert Pandoc's LaTeX table output from `longtable` to `xtab`. This addresses the issue of [longtables not being compatible with multiple columns layouts](https://github.com/jgm/pandoc/issues/1023). Could be improved by turning table headers into...
The first-line-indent filter crashed when the original document had header-includes already. This is now fixed, tested for all types of header-includes (MetaInlines, MetaBlocks and MetaList).
Useful to place something between the end of text and the bibliography when using citeproc. The filter places any citeproc generated bibliography Div (and its immediately preceding Header, if any)...
The filter multiple-bibliographies crashes if a `bibliography` or `bibliography_topic` field in the metadata contains a list of filenames instead of a single filename. Versions: ``` pandoc 2.11.4 Compiled with pandoc-types...
Possibly a job for a separate filter. From Bastien Dumont (https://groups.google.com/g/pandoc-discuss/c/JxV3nF_igdw): I noticed one problem though: LaTeX always places on top of the page full-width figures in a multicolumn environment....
See [this discussion](https://github.com/jgm/pandoc/issues/1023) for the suggested LaTeX fix.
Add support for the CSS column-fill options and multicol* environment
In CSL styles that print out the `note` field, ending the field with a LaTeX command causes formatting errors. I'm not sure if that is a Citeproc or Pandoc issue....
In CSL styles that print out the `note` field, ending the field with a LaTeX command causes formatting errors. I'm not sure if that is a Citeproc or Pandoc issue....
As mentioned in https://github.com/pandoc-ext/section-bibliographies/issues/6#issuecomment-14752948936#issuecomment-1475294893 the filter ignores the metadata field `nocite`. (And `suppress-bibliography`?) I can see two valid uses of the metadata `nocite`: - if there's a global biblio in...