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Space and suffix gobbled in note field with LaTeX codes
In CSL styles that print out the note
field, ending the field with a LaTeX command causes formatting errors. I'm not sure if that is a Citeproc or Pandoc issue. Cross-posted on
Pandoc version:
Here's a MWE. You need a CSL style that prints out the note
BibTeX field. I pasted one below (can't be attached). Or add this to any CSL file :
<text variable="note" text-case="capitalize-first" prefix=". " suffix="."/>
Bib file test.bib
. (In our actual use case, the LaTeX commands are cite commands, but the error appears with simpler ones too like \leftarrow
@book{geach_pt:1980 ,
author = "Geach, Peter Thomas",
date = "1980",
title = "Reference and Generality: \leftarrow",
address = "Ithaca, New York",
publisher = "Cornell University Press",
edition = 3,
note = "first edition: \leftarrow"
Markdown source:
title: "Biblio note test"
bibliography: test.bib
csl: minimal.csl
Native Pandoc output (pandoc -C -t native
[ Div
( "ref-geach_pt:1980" , [ "csl-entry" ] , [] )
[ Para
[ SmallCaps [ Str "Geach" ]
, Str ","
, Space
, Str "Peter"
, Space
, Str "Thomas."
, Space
, Str "1980."
, Space
, Emph
[ Str "Reference"
, Space
, Str "and"
, Space
, Str "Generality:"
, Space
, RawInline (Format "latex") "\\leftarrow"
, Str "."
, Space
, Str "First"
, Space
, Str "edition:"
, Str ""
, RawInline (Format "latex") "\\leftarrow"
, Str ""
As you can see, in the note field we get empty strings instead of a space separating "edition:" from \leftarrow
and a period at the end. This doesn't happen in the title.
The bug disappears if the note doesn't end up with a LaTeX command. Change the note field to:
note = "first edition: \leftarrow and"
The result is:
, Str "edition:"
, Space
, RawInline (Format "latex") "\\leftarrow "
, Str "and."
If it ends with a LaTeX command but there are several LaTeX command, the period is there but the last LaTeX command is still preceded by an empty string. Change the note field to:
note = "first edition: \leftarrow and \rightarrow"
The result is:
, Str "edition:"
, Space
, RawInline (Format "latex") "\\leftarrow "
, Str "and"
, Str ""
, RawInline (Format "latex") "\\rightarrow"
, Str "."
Now we have a period at the end, and a space before the first LaTeX command, but again an empty string before the second LaTeX command.
The colon after 'edition:' isn't the culprit, the behaviour remains when it's removed. Adding spaces at the end of the note field doesn't change anything: if the last non-space element of the note is a LaTeX command, the bug appears.
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<layout prefix="(" suffix=")" delimiter="; ">
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