Jeewoo Kim
Jeewoo Kim
Thank you for your interest! We didn't update our recent version to our master branch. You should go to dLSTM branch dlstm_a2c folder to check the new one. However, our...
Hi, it's really good to hear that you tried to use our code! However, unfortunately, we're still working on the code. Even though we implemented the structure of FuN, we...
The only reference we had for building the FuN was the paper uploaded on Arxiv. That's we're still working on this project. Currently, we're working in 'dLSTM' branch 'lstm_a2c' folder,...
It is set by default. You can see the config in this line of configs.yaml. ```worker_rews: {extr: 1.0, expl: 0.0, goal: 1.0}```
Oh my bad. I think I have changed it in my local repo. If you change extr to non-zero, then I think the worker takes the extrinsic reward from the...