J-Donald Tournier

Results 5 comments of J-Donald Tournier

I'm looping in Rob Smith (@Lestropie) into this conversation, this is something we've discussed many times in the past. I've not had a chance to look into all the details...

> @jdtournier the support of tck is already available in nibabel and dipy. If your claim is to just use tck then the answer is that many labs are not...

> @jdtournier the challenge I have with tck is that I can not find any documentation for it. That's unfortunate, it's [documented here](https://mrtrix.readthedocs.io/en/latest/getting_started/image_data.html#tracks-file-format-tck). If you'd already come across this page...

Looks good to me. I might suggest a very minor rewording, but it might be more a matter of personal preference than clarity... This sentence: > Further, if the rotation...

> if anyone knows of an appropriate person from FMRIB to ping please do so Maybe Mark Jenkinson, @markj789?