John Swinbank
John Swinbank
Seems like there are a lot of reports of LuLu having problems when used in combination with some other networking app. For example: - Radio Silence (@danielp123, above) - TripMode...
Hi @antonioaddis — I have minimal time to spend on Comet development at the moment (as the commit history of the repository will demonstrate), so, realistically, it's unlikely that I'll...
Hi @lpsinger — unfortunately, I don't expect to have time to work on this myself in the near future. That said, I'm very interested to hear that this is important...
Hey @BobDenny — good to hear from you! To be honest, further work on Comet isn't near the top of my list at the moment; just too many competing priorities....
I'm afraid I don't know much about how NGINX works (both in general, and specifically not as a reverse proxy), so I'm not sure I can be much help here....
Good luck — let me know how you get on!
See also #69.
Mail to Pierre of 2016-12-28: > I've just been trying to track down the error which you saw when trying to use Dakota's sendvo.exe to send an event with Comet,...
Pierre responds that he will attempt to reproduce, but it'll likely be a couple of months before he's able to spend time on this.
Given the lack of ability to reproduce, I'm not going to let this block future releases.