James Phillips

Results 17 comments of James Phillips

Unfortunately I am just a tourist, I don't have anything set up for TS development. Can somebody tell me the correct format for my code to pass the prettifier check?...

What is the solution to this? You can't have a `Monoid` that isn't associative, it makes it unpredictable and dangerous. The only `JsObject` monoid that makes sense is replacing the...

A further solution is the same as lift's: ```scala def ++(other: JValue) = { def append(value1: JValue, value2: JValue): JValue = (value1, value2) match { case (JNothing, x) => x...

Additional notes: `2.13.9-bin-f11f1f7` is the version which fixes https://github.com/scala/bug/issues/12489 which is a similar problem (hence the speed up seen). And you need only replace a single summand's definition to use...

Change the order of the implicit arguments in `convertibleToStable` - put `bToB: ImplicitlyStable[B, B]` first and `aToB: A => B` second. When the compiler searches an implicit function of the...

There's multiple things going on here. @SethTisue if you replace `Ordering` with `TypeClass` as defined here: ```scala trait TypeClass[A] object TypeClass { implicit val int: TypeClass[Int] = ??? implicit val...

The solution to manually pass in your old type mapper: ```scala def updatedAt = column[LocalDateTime](COL_UPDATED_AT)(localDateTime2timestamp) ``` does not work for comparisons. IE: ```scala table.filter(_.updatedAt < now) ``` will fail even...

Fair enough - I'll remove that from my comment and leave the documented behaviour

For future readers: The solution we are probably going to go with is to wrap java.time types: ```scala case class SafeZonedDateTime(value: ZonedDateTime) ``` with delegated typeclasses, and a mapped column...

Is `scala-parser-combinators` safe to `exclude` from our akka dependencies in SBT? The original upgrade of `ssl-config-core` updated the code to a version that could not have had any use of...