Johannes Drönner
Johannes Drönner
can we merge this?
it would be great if we could add a solution to the readme
@pka what is the state of this PR? Is there something missing?
great! if all tests are green i will merge it.
yes you are right. the warp api is missing
the array feature is really just a conversion method from the `Buffer` to an ndarrray. Adding array to docs is a good idea.
i think we had that issue before... maybe needs some time to update
this is a good idea. how would we add it to CI?
Even if the most data created today (locations / GPS) is in WGS84 there are a lot of datasets with different coordinate systems. So a geometry should have a type...
> Reproject in and reproject out if you need compatibility. So i would need a second crate to load/represent my geometries with different coordinate system?