Jordan Donovan

Results 7 comments of Jordan Donovan

```import numpy as np import timeit import cv2 import pydensecrf.densecrf as dcrf import pydensecrf.utils as utils def densecrf_inference(predictions, image_location, input_image=None): img = input_image img = cv2.resize(img, dsize=(predictions.shape[2], predictions.shape[1]), interpolation=cv2.INTER_LANCZOS4) d...

``` python3 inference: 0.5766793650000182 densecrf function: 0.8799495560015202 python inference: 10.5400309563 densecrf function: 11.7004370689 ```

Interestingly enough, I don't think that the python versions are the issue. I installed the necessary pip packages and ran the code on another machine (mac OS), and python 2.7...

I am also having this trouble, but I will try the conversion you mentioned above and report back. Additionally, I was trying to run the Evaluate_img python notebook, but the...

I think I actually figured out some of what was going on. After I downloaded the Full Images and the Full Images ID Format separately. I just needed to copy...

Oh ok. Cool. I misunderstood. Thank you!

I'll update with a fix that worked for me and points to the c++14 issue being the cause. I still don't know how to update it to work with the...