Jannis Dohm
Jannis Dohm
This isn't specific to billboards nor poles for what I can tell. It's only more likely to happen on the poles for some reason but this also happens with polylines...
I don't think the expected behavior of @yingziwu is the expected behavior for WebAuthn. If this would be even possible this would mean that WebAuthn wasn't save. Since it tries...
Thanks @dennisguse Maybe a solution would be to increase the GPS accuracy and turn of the smoothing. In my case, I manually calculated the average speed to be 9.75. This...
@dennisguse maybe a bit much to ask for, but is there a option to prevent OpenTracks from re-importing existing tracks that where recorded outside of OpenTracks? For example: I use...
@dennisguse thanks for the quick replay and solution. As this is somewhat complicated (even if the user knows he has to export and override the imported file to prevent re...
changing the `DURATION_IN_MS` to `500L` does change the behavior.
Oh damn, my bad. Was supposed to say doesn't :(
I have got the same problem. ``` [2023-08-26 20:31:51.226] [error] Hyprland IPC: Couldn't write (4) waybar: ../waybar-hyprland-git/src/modules/hyprland/window.cpp:106: waybar::modules::hyprland::Window::Workspace waybar::modules::hyprland::Window::getActiveWorkspace(const std::string&): Assertion `workspaces.isArray()' failed. [1] 24250 IOT instruction (core dumped) waybar...
I don't know why, but it crashes a lot while I use DigiKam and not as much (maybe even never, not sure) when surfing in firefox (even though DigiKam was...
@qube-03 for me it seems this issue was resolved by upgrading hyprland to version 0.29.0-1 does it still crash on your side? and if so, did you upgrade to 0.29.0-1...