> I don't own one, but would it be worth it to add Kegsmarts support to this server? > > https://github.com/AppleDoc/picobrew-kegsmarts-api/blob/master/PicoBrew%20KegSmarts%20API.md I recently acquired one and I would also love...
IS this the hash you are looking for? local version: bc24aca Let me get the file info for you
actually seems like it updated without my knowledge because I noticed that the "devices" function is on there - which is pretty cool. Is there a permanent name / location...
I had to direct it to /home/pi to get it to write. Not sure this is what you wanted though... let me know [debug_log.txt](https://github.com/chiefwigms/picobrew_pico/files/5784018/debug_log.txt)
Here is the file. the first one didn't start the way you indicated so I went with 22000 lines and it didn't change, but here is the file. and of...
Zy connects via ethernet to pi. That's interesting, I'll look in that directory when I get it back together.
Wondering if maybe during all of the taking it apart and burping Glycol maybe I accidentally shut off the Pi before the Zy. looking now there is a session file...
I suppose that is possible. I actually went to start another brew today and the server wouldn’t run complaining that the routes_frontend.py was failing. It was there but was empty...
The file had ZERO bytes. Zip… nuthin in it. I have no idea why. When I replaced it the web server came up, but literally only showed the latest brew...
Here are the photos These last 2 photos are from a completely separate issue with the restarting a session JM Sent from my iPhone > On Jan 11, 2021, at...