Jeff Dickey

Results 6 issues of Jeff Dickey

Especially given that not everyone (yet) uses RVM or rbenv, it would be a Good Thing™ to have the option of bundling Gems underneath the `vendor` directory; i.e., the equivalent...

See [this comment]( on seattlerb/flay#69. Using any configuration of Flay when running multiple Rake tasks (e.g., as by default) causes any non-default `dirs` option value to be ignored. This does...

Given this Guard definition in my `Guardfile`: ```ruby guard :rubocop do watch(%r{^lib/crypt_ident/.*?[^/]+\.rb$}) end ``` I expect *only* files in or below the `lib/crypt_ident` directory to be inspected. Yet it goes...

`laser --help` gives the following error when using Ruby 2.2.2. It gives it _3,820 times_. ``` /usr/local/rbenv/versions/2.2.2/lib/ruby/gems/2.2.0/gems/laser-0.7.0.pre2/lib/laser/analysis/control_flow/static_single_assignment.rb:174: warning: Comparable#== will no more rescue exceptions of # in the next release....

``` $ curl -v * Trying * connect to port 80 failed: Operation timed out * Failed to connect to port 80: Operation timed out *...

I have a [Gist]( as a "live-blog of developing a small app" that has more than 70 internal links as I write this; I've recently therefore added a table-of-contents to...