From gwas-info: I have a question on how the variants are mapped/recorded in the associations dataset. I feel there might be some inconsistencies in how the rs identifiers of the...
Every data release, publish a data change log containing a breakdown of new, removed, changed studies in the gwas catalog and summary statistics (submitted and harmonised). Previous changelogs should be...
According to this https://sysinf.ebi.ac.uk/doku.php?id=slurm_migration_faq the Codon cluster will be converted from LSF to SLURM by March 2023. For the pipelines written in Nextflow and Snakemake, this is as easy as...
This jar needs to be deployed to the sw directory on codon where it runs as part of the DR
Sumstats API loading needs migrating to codon and file paths updated accordingly
We need a solution for when the ingest service is deployed and the port is dynamically reassigned. This affects the services that need to connect to the ingest service via...
Hi, great work on the ideogram library! Is it possible to have tooltips in the histogram layout? Currently, the tooltips work well with the annotation shapes layout, but it would...
Aim: Curator can modify/add some metadata in the curation database/depo-curation e.g. add an EFO to a study, add a pmid to study, change the readme, and these changes will be...
We only need the globus endpoints for summary stats submission, but they are still created for metadata only submissions. Globus endpoints are created with a call from the deposition service...