John D Giotta
John D Giotta
Same issue 3.15.4 & 3.15.6. Also, dmesg gives me a tainting kernel error if I attempt to compile the driver.
Thank you @lwfinger for your contribution. I wanted to also point out a "remedy" for the in-kernel version I use for Fedora 20. Not the solution to the issue,...
If it's any help, I found that not allowing my device to switch between frequencies will not cause kernel panics. $ iwconfig freq 2.4G This as kept me running without...
Driver doesn't work in the 3.15 kernels. Downgrading is the only option... except now my devels/headers are gone.
@brunoripa he is running kafka/zookeeper on the host and not in another container. Your solution is appropriate for a kafka instance running in docker.
@bdkjones can you update the website to indicate that WebEx meetings is supported?
@casatwy did you ever solve this? I too can not get SSH to work. I receive the same error. > ssh: handshake failed: ssh: unable to authenticate, attempted methods [none...
@jsdevel I hate to bring this back into the light, but has the spec changed to allow optional authentication? I'm writing open spec based on an existing API. The creators...