Julien Desgats
Julien Desgats
I hereby granted the copyright of the changes in this pull request to the authors of this lua-nginx-module project. Allows to set the reason for HTTP status codes unknown from...
This is to stick with the behavior of the regular C API that uses `luaL_checklstring` for keys, that throws a runtime error when a non-string key is passed. For some...
Currently, the foreign key enforcement in SQLite is [disabled by default](http://www.sqlite.org/pragma.html#pragma_foreign_keys), would it be possible to add an option that enable it automatically? ``` $ sqlite3 SQLite version 3.9.2 2015-11-02...
I have a test that involves making nginx kill itself in the `init_worker` phase (a worker kills the master process and then kill itself, just in case), so my test...
Currently, error message are rather primitive and untested...