Julien Del Piccolo

Results 57 comments of Julien Del Piccolo

Probably linked to the fact Android 7+ doesn't consider user's CAs anymore. https://blog.jeroenhd.nl/article/android-7-nougat-and-certificate-authorities

I have never been able to make proxydroid work with android 8. I use the native proxy configuration and it works fine.

Thanks for the info, i will look into drony

WE got an in-game announcement earlier on that says there is a mandatory update coming on 18/02. I can only assume that's it.

I have built a docker container using the same method I've used until now and it crashes with the following: ``` 2018-02-26T18:56:03.691783733Z Proxying: GET 2018-02-26T18:56:03.741507167Z Injecting: File inject.js 2018-02-26T18:56:03.854118854Z...

Looks like babel cannot generate the files but there is no mention of it in the logs. I cannot enable debug because the configuration is skipped. Edit: Even with debug...

Figured out: I was running node `node ./bin/app.js` instead of `npm start`, therefore skipping the babel build.

Yes, I figured as much yesterday and got it working. The docker container `jdel/ffrk-proxy:v0.12.0-pre` is available if somebody wants to run it for tests.

Gosspks has a feature to ger new models directly from syno website. Maybe we can leverage that to improve sspks https://github.com/jdel/gosspks/blob/master/handler/v1/routeModels.go

Is it also the case with DSM6 ? I don't have a DSM7 compatible device to try.