Thank you Freezy to view FX3 only (Steam) with no DMD Ext through PUP: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rfaj63x2ZAg to view FX3 with DMD Ext through PUP that lags: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WJ1HLDKWqew to view Pinball FX...
Sorry, Freezy - they are public now
Hi @nailbuster , It's Frogdog yes terminology should be frontend Popper, not PUP I'll provide Popper launch script on next post Freezy, here's the recent log of executing FX3 through...
@nailbuster Popper Launch Script for FX3 Launch Script rem remove the next two rem lines to setup PUpDMD for FX3 cd /d "C:\pinball\Visual Pinball\VPinMAME" start /min "" "PUPDMDControl.exe" FX3 PINUP\[GAMENAME]...
@freezy That's what the entire log shows - is that the problem? [DmdDevice.log](https://github.com/freezy/dmd-extensions/files/11910311/DmdDevice.log)
@freezy here's the updated config files - thank you for the attention you are giving this issue the DMDDevice log is still showing no change DMDDevice.log.config dmdext.log.config While trying to...
Thanks @freezy looks like I'm getting somewhere I still see lag but here's the log info [DmdDevice.log](https://github.com/freezy/dmd-extensions/files/11910606/DmdDevice.log)
It worked properly for years, then all of a sudden it didn't. Don't know if I touched a keystroke that changed something. I didn't have the most current version -...
@nailbuster Pinball FX doesn't need any launch script setup - it runs directly from Steam How does the launch script for Pinball FX3 look?
Hi @freezy revisiting this as I haven't come up with a solution Updated to latest 2.2 and when I launch directly through Pinball FX Steam there are no lagging issues....