Justin Cataldo
Justin Cataldo
We are also seeing this when upgrading to any version greater than `1.10.0`. This is blocking our ability to upgrade our version of react native.
Can you give this branch a shot and see if it works correctly? https://github.com/jdcataldo/grunt-mocha-phantomjs/tree/json-cov
You can put this in your package.json and run npm install. "grunt-mocha-phantomjs": "git+ssh://[email protected]:jdcataldo/grunt-mocha-phantomjs.git#json-cov" Delete out the existing grunt-mocha-phantomjs in your node_modules directory. This change should just pipe the output to...
I just merge my change into master and published. I also generated a test-cov folder. The coverage.json that gets generated is 1.4 MB. Not sure why your file is getting...
What does your Gruntfile look like? Just ran groc on node 0.10.22 and didn't get this error: ``` $ grunt groc Running "groc:javascript" (groc) task Done, without errors. ```