Dave Peticolas

Results 22 comments of Dave Peticolas

Looking into setting up multiple read replicas as well. Is `--requests-only` still experimental and not safe with mirrored indexes? What's the currently recommended setup if you need replicas due to...

Thanks @fschulze, caching for installer user agents sounds promising, appreciate the suggestions!

So I think have something working similarly to what you describe. Since devpi doesn't set cache control headers on anything but files it seems, I need to proxy nginx to...

> I think you can use [`proxy_ignore_headers`](https://nginx.org/en/docs/http/ngx_http_proxy_module.html#proxy_ignore_headers) instead of recursive proxy. I tried that; I may have been doing something wrong. But I'm not sure ignoring headers will work since...

``` proxy_cache_path /var/cache/nginx levels=1:2 keys_zone=devpi_cache:10m inactive=60m use_temp_path=off; upstream devpi { server ${WEB_DEVPI_SERVER}; } map $http_x_forwarded_proto $thescheme { default $scheme; https https; } server { server_name ${WEB_SERVER_NAME}; listen 8000; gzip on;...

I think I plan to use a simpler version that just caches based on user agent. The reason we need a cache at all is the load from lots of...

Testing with a local index seems to work. I uploaded an internal package to a local index and then did a `pip install` of it. Then I uploaded a new...

Nice, `proxy_cache_valid` seems to be doing the trick!

After some experimentation, it occurs to me that files should never be cached by nginx, since they get cached on the filesystem. WDYT about adding this as the last `if`...