But that's seems for me, that should be a core-feature.
@bramley >Please can you explain how this is meant to work? This commit only add a second way to unsubscribe way, on header, This is an addition, and not a...
@bramley I will commit asap, I already done but I have to test: > An email will be sent to that address but to be recognised as a bounce the...
For information "ist-Unsubscribe header is described in RFC 2369 (for more details please see The header field contains either a Web-URL, an email address or both. Since different providers...
@bramley thanks. Your code seems cleaner, and ok. But i'll test it. If ok i'll commit and PR again.
This version have been test on different webmail and mail provider on mobile and desktop This feature add an "unsubcribe button action" to: outlook app outlook ios mail app
thank @michield for you answer I totally agree that we must be sure unsubscribe work but i didn't understand your worried. > tell the bounce process to handle these messages...
what do you mean by: > You'd never write an insert with an ID in the values. I can add to the PR an insert on upgrade, I'll do it...
@bramley For sure, we have to be sure to not unsubscribe from this rule, But I'm using it for a years and I never false postive. But maybe you can...
@michield I'm totally agree with you that saying "Unsubscribe this and this way" and it doesn't work, would be worst than anything. But… Why to you think this way is...