
Results 56 comments of jcw

Very odd - ran into exactly the same bug today, Win7 (someone else's machine). There was also a serial port involved, the problem "went away" when we switched from a...

False alert. I seem to have hit a timing issue on a multi-core cpu. It didn't happen again on retry. Much simpler: add a slight delay to the goroutine, so...

Wow ... _fantastic_ help, Micha! Some minor issues, and one I can't seem to solve at the end: * had to `apt-get install curl`, as it wasn't on Meveric's image...

Oh, hold the presses - it was just taking _ages_ ...

Upgrade completed. This does mean I did not finish the prep-script, and seem to be locked out - but I can't get past the pw prompt via ssh, neither in...

**Brilliant!** I redid the install, everything fine now. For reference, here's a summary of what I ended up doing: * used wget iso curl * fixed url, as mentioned before...

Thx, keyring mods applied. I found one glitch so far, in `dietpi-config` performance options (wanted to set governor to `ondemand`): ``` root@druide:/tmp# dietpi-config /boot/dietpi/dietpi-config: line 1593: 2023 - : syntax...

Coming out of the blue into this, I was wondering what the current status of search is for the Material Docs theme. I'd very much like to start filling up...

See #225 - a batch edit (of some 90+ files) solves this, then it works with SCons 4.0.1.