J Curtis

Results 8 comments of J Curtis

Particularly interested in working with Movement Trajectory Features

> Hey Devin, > > is there a chance for you to remember what the issues where with the Networking Framework? I had problems with the master branch (high cpu...

Thanks for the speedy response @orchetect - I had this suspicion, nice to have that confirmed! I'm still getting a retain cycle after adding `weak` there. I can't understand what...

Thanks @orchetect - think i've tried every variation of `weak` and `unowned` in every reference to the delegate I can. Removing the instantiation of the `OSCServer` in this view controller...

Awesome, thanks for the quick response Devin - I'll test this and make a PR if it works

Cheers, had a quick look - couldn’t see exactly where the network framework changed, i’ll keep an eye on the dev branch if you become active on there again :)...

You can set it using an environment variable at the top of your script like this: ```python # quiet tensorflow warnings import os os.environ['TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL'] = '2' ``` Defaults to 0,...

Still getting this today after following the quickstart instructions. The "error" is `Already up to date` ```git ✗ Failed to update wbthomason/packer.nvim │~ Errors: │~ Already up-to-date. │~ usage: git...