@jklaiho can you please test without setting ssh_args in ansible.cfg. Most of what you set there looks default, except that it doesn't contain -tt which we added for psuedo tty's....
For everyone who is commenting about synchronize, this bug was filed on gather facts. Please open a new bug if you have problems with the synchronize module.
@mattclay @gundalow thoughts?
I don't know, it's based on the adopt_me workflow greg had a while back.
After seeing a burst of new PRs from the filament/lightbulb PRs, I have the impression that we don't have enough shippable resources to handle this.
https://github.com/ansible/ansibullbot/pull/1126 temporarily turns off the codeblock
@felixfontein rebuild_merge is only accessible to folks with commit rights. You have supershipit, which sort of acts like rebuild merge.
I could potentially give rebuild_merge to those with supershipit to make it easier.
any new comments from the submitter will clear needs_info
This is the entry point for fetching metadata about any given file, which also computes the maintainers... https://github.com/ansible/ansibullbot/blob/master/ansibullbot/utils/component_tools.py#L995