Solution: (Steps 2-5 have to be made on Ubuntu) 1. install Ubuntu LTS for arm64 (I made it by installing on UTM virtual machine [https://mac.getutm.app/gallery/ubuntu-20-04](url)) 2. after successful installation, type...
Could you elaborate more about the rule to explain? I need more info what's the rule.
I can work on this! How structure of release notes should look like? And from what source should I aggregate each new feature/significant change?
I'm excited to work on that task! But first, you have to tell what you mean by "turn that PR title into a line in the RST file and open...
Why dates of pre-releases on [graspologic site](https://pypi.org/project/graspologic/#history) are different from [dates of closed and approved PRs](https://github.com/microsoft/graspologic/pulls?q=is%3Apr+is%3Aclosed)?
Script is ready to deploy but I wonder how this action should be triggered. I saw [this post which describes ON MERGE event](https://github.community/t/trigger-workflow-only-on-pull-request-merge/17359/19) but it's not that clear to me.
Are there any [events specific to merging](https://docs.github.com/en/actions/using-workflows/events-that-trigger-workflows) ```dev``` -> ```main```? I'm looking for the events that could trigger workflow action run. Another option would be to run script manually right...
Tool ready for pull request! It will run only when setup.cfg file changes.
Everything now works as expected with changes you proposed: * the entire process is inside a single python file * moved build_release_notes.py to github/scripts * triggered manually * new release...
Could you elaborate more about parts of pipeline and available configurations?