Jean-Claude MICHOT
Jean-Claude MICHOT
If unbound stop working and you can't get reply to unbound-control, unbound is probably stuck in a loop. That's has been fixed here:
I have lost this old AVIDSEN Weather stations during a move, so I can no longer provide any information. Maybe it's at the bottom of a box that I'll find...
spawn rtl_433 from homebridge is a bad idea because you probably need to run homebridge as root to get LimeSDR access. In my case i run homebride as simple user...
Same in FreeBSD with devfs.conf (if you stay in same jail), but if you need rtl_433 data outside homebridge it's better to run rtl_433 in a separate way. I get...
What is inside your loader.conf ? With my Orange Pi5 plus, i have EDK2 0.9.1-7 in SPI, i boot on Nvme and loader.conf contain: dtbfile_load="YES" dtbfile_type="dtb" dtbfile_name="rk3588.dtb" kern.cfg.order="acpi" boot_serial="YES" boot_multicons="YES"...
You are right, but with console="efi,comconsole" i get the message "console comconsole failed to initialize" but in both case the serial console still working ;-) Consoles: EFI console Reading loader...