Results 31 comments of jclc

Are you sure it's an issue with libui though? I have no issues importing both ui and; only go-sdl2 seems to have this issue. FYI the code I'm using...

With that works, but only when using `-tags static`. The problem was linking ui statically but sdl dynamically.

@veeableful Hi, sorry for the delay, I've been busy. What version of Go are you using? For me it says those flags are not valid; even adding them to `CGO_LDFLAGS_ALLOW`...

Right, thanks... It does link SDL2 dynamically but now it also requires `libstdc++-6.dll`

Would this require any significant effort aside from adding a typedef for the used float type and replacing the currently used float type across the files?

Are you using the Go race detector? It caused similar errors for me when I knew for sure that there was nothing wrong.

Perhaps a rewrite for the bindings would be in order? The bindings have worked fine for me but there are small issues like this and also some performance and memory...

Turns out c-for-go supported compiler-specific include dirs all along, I just had to enable the `-ccincl` flag! The only problem is that the resultant files now have `int` and `uint`...

There are also some errors related to new types/enums/functions, it is unclear to me how vulkan.yml should be edited to accomodate changes. Perhaps a short contribution guide could be added...

The issue here is that the bindings generator isn't producing the same results on different operating systems. I haven't had the time to delve deeper into the root cause...