Jin Hyun Cheong

Results 5 issues of Jin Hyun Cheong

Current plot uses a cmap where the extreme values are white. For example: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/12897766/111380080-45cb1000-867a-11eb-8fdf-667c8291dad2.png) Fix would be to allow passing a vmin, vmax, or cmap to `_viewer` brain or plot...

need to add ttest to deal with single matrix - compare mean of bottom triangle vs 0 need to deal with within or across matrices. currently only does across.

Testing on 48x48 fer2013 led to undetected faces...


Create interactive widget view in which intensity of each AU can be manipulated by a slider. Example of widget here: https://github.com/jcheong0428/facesync/blob/d43c3a98bba5c385e921a2d6801a0ea596d361aa/facesync/utils.py#L120


add tests for python3 on Travis