how do you exclude .git and .github files on upload to s3. I have them ignored locally ".gitingore" too. Tried --exclude but doesnt seem to do what i want it...
what error code is it giving you, something has changed with my pipeline and not sure what the issue is
changed ubuntu-latest to a acutal version
I would like to know this too
Hey I bought a cert from GlobalSign, I have created it using Key Vault, but now unsure how to connect to the electron builder process to sign the app for...
I think with Azure Key Vault Premium you can just host your cert and use a URL to point to it with a password. well that is what am hoping,...
I've got AzureSignTool working from Actions i think am on the last error and will setup to publish straight to GH releases..
Ok I got the customSign file to run using AzureSignTool via GitHub actions. I publish the releases to S3 and the application is notified there is an updated version available...
awesome thanks ill do that too