Johnny Chan

Results 12 comments of Johnny Chan

Released v0.3.0 with a `set_layout_direction()` function

Hi @Mougrouff , this feature is not yet available.

Hi @nyue , Currently this is not possible. Cheers, Johnny

``v0.1.2`` you can now embed your own custom widget in a node object see example.

Hey @jf--- Thanks for checking out the code base 😸, the `NodeModel` shouldn't invoke any computation - it's just there to store the nodes data. However you can subclass the...

Awesome thanks 😃

not really but I like that idea 😄

I've put something up just need to figure out how to set it up with Github actions. 😺

Sorry team at the moment I'm not planning to switch over to the QtPy library.

Hi, I don't have any more examples for a multi port, as for a widget to visually represent the connection order of a port object I think you might be...