Jens Christian Gram Junge
Jens Christian Gram Junge
We are third party products, which are not public available. Therefore they are not in your list of components/libaries, and never will be. The option to add the component, with...
The option to include the license text, for the licenses used, in the Bill of Materials would help make the process more automated. LGPL-2.1 says in article 1: _You may...
There seems to be an error in the function getImageData. The line "i = uInt8Array.length;" is giving the error "Uncaught ReferenceError: i is not defined at n.onload". Since it does...
Missing copyright statement. To use WTFPL, you have to include the following statement in your COPYING file: Copyright © 20XX This work is free. You can redistribute it and/or modify...