JC Ford
JC Ford
Any chance this will get merged soon?
Same issue. Found that if I remove the debounceTime, it works again.
I was able to work around the issue and keep the debounceTime operator by turning the search function into an arrow function and removing the .bind(this) from the template.
We need this, too. +1 vote for merging this!
I tried that build. It does still crash, but it does not generate a crash log file at all. Here's the debug log file it generates, though. [debug_Fri_Nov_17_13_51_24_18564.log.zip](https://github.com/SoftFever/OrcaSlicer/files/13397363/debug_Fri_Nov_17_13_51_24_18564.log.zip)
Any news on these crashes? 1.9.1 on Windows is still crashing on a lot of models. Sometimes regardless of settings, sometimes only when trying to generate tree supports. Always the...
In case it helps debug this issue, I've found if I set process priority to realtime and the processor affinity to only use the first half-dozen or so cores, it...
Here's the most recent using OrcaSlicer 2.0 beta. And here's the system specs again just for reference. OS version Windows 11 Pro Additional system information CPU: Intel Core i9 13900k...
This issue should not close. It's definitely still happening. I have to set processor affinity to limit the number of cores in use by the software or it will crash...