Julius Michaelis
Julius Michaelis
I ran into this with CBOR generated from JSON in Java's Jackson. [Edit:] It also happens with `@JsonTypeInfo(include = JsonTypeInfo.As.WRAPPER_OBJECT)`, which is roughly equivalent to serde's external tagging.
Docker-compose build now seems to use buildkit by default (This changed with 2.4.1 for me, but I'm not sure whether that's global or just something weird with my installation.) If...
Oddly, this can be worked around by `json.decode(json.encode(labels()))`, which struct knows how to deal with...
I somehow doubt that's the right file. For one, it doesn't contain any `.csv` files that fit the naming schema required by the example code. Or have I missed some...
Btw, why not set `FROM --platform=$BUILDPLATFORM gradle:7-jdk11-alpine AS build` in the `Dockerfile` so the actual building only has to be done once. For reference, I ended up just rolling with...
Is this related to #407 ?