Jacob Mulligan
Jacob Mulligan
I'm having trouble authenticating with your API. I've registered an app and am following the directions found [here](https://developer.wunderlist.com/documentation/concepts/authorization). I'm redirecting users to this URL: https://www.wunderlist.com/oauth/authorize?client_id=5e545e44e8cdc3ecd428&http://localhost:3000/&state=derp However this returns an error...
Hello maintainers of this package 👋 thanks for your hard work on this! I have been using this for a little while now at work. I've noticed a few bugs...
I have a timestamp coming from a source that causes BigQuery's default timestamp parsing to fail with how this package by default parses timestamps, [this line of code](https://github.com/z3z1ma/target-bigquery/blob/main/target_bigquery/core.py#L896) generates this...
I'm running into an issue where this BigQuery target is unable to load data which contains nested JSON. I have the following config: ```yml loaders: - name: target-bigquery variant: z3z1ma...