vintage-sublime-surround copied to clipboard
Support Vintageous
What needs to be done to make this package work with Vintageous?
For instance, this does not seem to be compatible
{"key": "vi_action", "operand": "enter_insert_mode"}
This is what I came up with so far:
Maybe @guillermooo can have a look?
I haven't tested with Vintageous yet, so thanks for the heads up and the gist. I'll take a look as soon as I get time.
:+1: Would love to see this as Vintageous seems to be the Vintage successor.
Thanks for your interest.
Unfortunately by the time I got around to looking at @trkoch's gist it was no longer there so I have no idea what he came up with. I haven't done anything about it myself because I'm still quite happily using ST2/Vintage, but of course I'd be thrilled if someone did the work for this :).
Hi, I've been using Vintageous with this package. But it seems "s" command is still controlled by Vintageous. When I select with visual mode and press "s", the selection just disappear. Using the Command Palette shows that the Surround Selection command is bind to s indeed. Thank you.
Some useful information:
This is the official Vintageous plugin for surround:
And this is a plugin which is built upon Vintageous, maybe you can see how he override Vintageous' keymap:
Correct link for the "official Vintageous plugin for surround":
:+1: +1
👍 +1