vintage-sublime-surround copied to clipboard
Vintage keymap to make behave more like surround-vim.
Vintage-sublime-surround is a SublimeText 2 plugin which adds Vintage key mappings to sublime-surround for a fuller vim-surround-like experience.
The added mappings are:
in normal mode
Change surround around the current insertion point(s).
in normal mode
Delete surround around the current insertion point(s).
in normal mode
Wrap the selection defined by <motion>
with something - e.g. ys3iw
wraps 3 words beginning with the word containing the insertion point(s).
in visual mode
Wrap the visual selection with something. Note that this overrides the Vintage-defined (and Vim) behaviour of s
in visual mode which deletes the visual selection and enters insert mode - you can still use c
to do this.
You'll need to install Sublime-surround first or these mappings won't do anything. Then install Vintage Sublime Surround in one of the following ways. (Hint: use Package Control.)
Package Control
Package Control is "a full-featured package manager that helps discovering, installing, updating and removing packages for Sublime Text 2." It's the preferred way to manage your Sublime Text 2 Packages directory.
Follow these instructions to install Vintage-sublime-surround with Package Control.
Using Git
Go to your Sublime Text 2 Packages
directory and clone the repository using the command below:
$ git clone
Download Manually
Download the files using the .zip download option.
Unzip the files.
Copy the folder to your Sublime Text 2 Packages directory.