Jazel Canseco
Jazel Canseco
@FillZpp sure. Suppose you have a Resource A that depends on Resource B. We'd like to immediately reconcile Resource A once Resource B is Ready. We were hoping to do...
Ah yes apologies for not being precise enough. That is correct. To be particularly precise: Resource A and B are two particular objects (i.e. uniquely identified by the combination of...
By Resource B, are you referring to just the GVK? If so, yes, there can be multiple objects with GVK B, but we only need to watch one particular object...
We have multiple controllers in our operator, and different controllers care about different Resources (GVKs). So there is one controller managing all objects of Resource A, one controller managing all...
Ok, let me try to make sure I understand. Are you suggesting for us to have all controllers watch one channel (`triggerChan`), and then use that channel to allow Controller...
Also, a different question: I know you said we should consider looking into using `source.Channel` instead of creating a new SharedInformer for each temporary watch -- we will definitely consider...
> But it depends on your scenario, I don't know much about your controllers and the relationship between the resources. Apologies for the confusion. Perhaps it might help to make...
Gotcha, let me check in with the GKE team to see what's going on (b/216689421).
According to an internal discussion with GKE, it seems this should work now. @upodroid can you try again? For TF team: see b/218333311#comment6.
Awesome, thanks for confirming @upodroid!