Jim Adamek
Jim Adamek
I am having the same issue. On my local server the dropzone executes perfectly with no errors. On my production server however, when I use the same dropzone, I get...
So far this discussion was the most helpful one I have seen: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8866761/xmlhttprequest-ajax-error Is there a callback in the event the file hasn't finished loading? I am not loading large...
I have 3 dropzones on the server - two are working, and only this one is failing. Will look at the three to see if I can see any difference.
After doing more digging and testing, I found this dropzone is working on other accounts in my platform just fine. So there must be some corruption or conflict I have...
I had the same problem with my ajax form. Blocking that line of code fixed my problem as well! Thanks for submitting the fix.
Thanks `zhangqi1990`! I was having trouble with an Ajax contact form and your answer Sep 3, 2017 was the answer that fixed my problem along with explanation of why the...
> how i can get captcha value ?? which is generated? Set up your `config/app.php` file properly: Package service providers Mews\Captcha\CaptchaServiceProvider::class, Aliases 'Captcha' => Mews\Captcha\Facades\Captcha::class, Then in your form you...
> if not how i can store it in session and than i can get it?? You can check your session variables in controller that processes your form with: `dd($request,...
> I am experiencing the same issue and I checked the SO link you sent earlier in the thread. Funny thing was my dropzone was working in another project but...
> the way I organized the if-else blocks to handle file chunks caused Dropzone to only upload the first chunk and stop. Congratulations! Nice when things become clear!